Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

What is Hypnosis?

  • An altered state of consciousness.
  • Guided Meditation-with use of verbal instruction.

What is hypnotherapy?

As done by me, hypnotherapy is a process of relaxing the mind and body, to create a space to open up to one’s thoughts.  As all problems, physical or emotional, are seeded at thought level, solutions also have to be arrived at, at thought level.  During the relaxed process using imagination and visualization ability already present in the patient, resolution is sought at the level of the mind.

Advantage of using Hypnotherapy with traditional treatment?

  • Safe, drug free way to deal with disease related stress.
  • Attunes mind-body to accept medicines.
  • Prevention of further disease complex


  • Is hypnosis ‘real’?  Only as real as your thoughts or problems.  Different people have different experiences.
  • How many sessions required? Depending on the depth of the issue, anywhere from 5 to 10 sessions. Yet single sessions are also known to create massive shifts.
  • What If I reveal secrets? You will reveal only that which you are willingly ready to reveal within the confidential clinical space. 
  • What if I cant be hypnotized? Everyone has experienced hypnosis in some way or the other. The level or depth to which one goes into hypnosis for therapy purpose depends on the level of depth required for resolution of the issue, the level of trust in the therapist, the openness to tackle the issue at hand and a willingness to resolve it.
  • Can I get stuck in hypnosis? Even during therapy, as done by me, you will be aware that this process is going on, hence you will be free at any point to wake up from it, should you decide not to go ahead with it. Of course the issue will not be resolved. But one does not get stuck.
  • What if I am made to do things I do not want to do? During the therapy as I do it, the client’s mind has control on what is going on. Only that which you want to do will be done.

Limitations of Clinical Hypnosis.

  • For chronic illness, not a stand-alone treatment.
  • Willingness/consent of the patient to change.
  • Openness to accept suggestions.

Applications of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Bolstering Self-Esteem , Instilling Self-Confidence
Conquering Test Anxiety & Stage Fright
Pain management 
Enhancing Creativity
Improving Reading Speed, Comprehension, Retention
Memory, Concentration, & Productivity
Promoting Stroke , chronic illness Recovery
Preparing for and Recovering from Surgery
Moving Beyond Loss, Separation or Grief
Increasing Relaxation and Managing Stress
Resolving Sleep Problems
Losing Fat and Achieving Physical Fitness
Improving Sports Performance
Overcoming unwanted Habits
Healing Your Inner Child
Stopping Self-Sabotage
Stop Smoking
Dispelling Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Dissolving Fears & Phobias
Self Motivation
Defeating Negative Self-Talk

Take the decision to open up to yourself.

What to expect during a session?

  • A simple yes and no questionnaire to be filled.
  • A detailed case-taking.
  • A review of what you hope to accomplish.
  • Simple verbal instructions to lead to relaxation with or without relaxing music.
  • Use of imagination, visualization of vivid, meaningful mental images.

How to prepare for a session?

  • Bring along a lot of trust in yourself.
  • Take out time.  A session can take anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours.
What to expect post a session?
  • A feeling of relaxation and calmness
  • Changes start taking place immediately at thought level but take a week to a month to form a new habit or show on physical level.
Consultation services include:
Healing techniques of

  • Past life regression therapies
  • Age regression
  • Integrated Healing
  • Rhythmic Relaxation
  • Radical Healing technique
  • Emotional Empowerment technique
  • Evaporation technique for pain management
  • and much more. 
Our expertise also includes use of homeopathy and clinical hypnotherapy, in combination, as well as individually, for a plethora of issues like:
  • women problems, menstrual, post menopausal,
  • weight loss.
  • Addictions.
  • Chronic Skin disorders like Psoriasis, eczema, Keratosis
  • Stress, depression, frustration, fears, anxiety
  • spiritual growth, soul advancement
  • Concentration and memory
  • Child hypnosis, bed wetting, use of homeopathy and hypnotherapy in pediatric problems, respiratory illnesses.
  • Self esteem.
Also offer
. Mind Spa guided meditations, recommended once a month, esp for high-stress lifestyles.
. Stress and anger management in single or group sittings.
. Simple techniques and solutions to bring out the joy in life.
. Customized recordings for self hypnosis and guided meditations.
. Group meditations.
. Tips and guidance in parenting.


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    Time Line Therapy


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