Ladies’ Special

Now this is a resharing of an old one written on wordpress a couple of years back.  It is still as relevant.

Menstrual cups are bell-shaped and are inserted internally to form a suction seal once inside the vaginal canal. These are emptied, cleaned and reinserted. they are designed to collect your menstrual flow rather than absorb it.

There are several advantages to menstrual cups. Many women prefer menstrual cups because they can be safely worn for up to 12 hours, which allows women to use fewer disposable cups than sanitary pads or tampons.

The menstrual cup design and duration of use also means that women can continue to lead active lives. Cups can be worn during one’s workday or while swimming, playing sports or doing vigorous exercise such as bicycling.

However, do not use a menstrual cup for contraception. A menstrual cup does not protect against pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Another advantage of menstrual cups is the lack of odor because menstrual fluid is not exposed to air. Additionally, menstrual cups do not change the pH balance of the vagina or cause "micro-tears" in the vaginal lining as some tampons can, so there is little risk of the vaginal or bacterial infections.

Additionally, menstrual cups are safe options for use just before your period or if you're experiencing light spotting.

Some years back, I started becoming aware of the number of sanitary napkins I use every month. The amount of money spent on it and the preplanning required just in case my periods are not on time…How most of the time even with all the “wings” the stains keep flying all over
The more I became aware, the more information I found on how they are nonbiodegradable and how they actually ruin the environment .  Same for tampons, plus they dry up the vagina and cause toxic shock syndrome, if not careful to frequently change them.
Then I chanced upon information about menstrual cup…it seemed perfect for the needs…reusable, made of silicone, lesser allergic reactions, no chemicals, and totally fuss free!
Except they were not available in India, just yet.
Then got back to use of the pads–wings, extra long, over night, perfumed nonperfumed–blah blah blah…ok they slip, ok they are harmful on the skin (and also on the panties.. :P ..) but then what choice does a lady have? Tampons were ouch ouch ouch especially given the fear of TSS..:)
And I totally forgot all about the menstrual cup.
Then a friend  brought up the topic ….she was talking about how she really wanted to get hold of one, and had even written to the Divacup people..
That got my interest renewed….so I dug into the net and researched…for with all the development in India, there has to be one available here!!  Now even if I were to get one from an online store, it would cost me around 2000 to 4000 Rs.  Yes I wont have to buy them expensive sanitary pads every month for anywhere from 5 to 10 years….yes they are hygienic and all…but then I did not have that kinda money to spare!
Thats when I stumbled upon Shecup!
I just recently bought one and used it this period…the initial adjustment and awkwardness about the technicalities of the use aside, its wonderful!!!
Try it out girls…its super comfortable..and does not dry up the vagina….superb for first time periods as well as for menopausal ones…what better gift for your body than the most natural way to go about its monthly cleansing process. 

The cup needs to be cleaned with regular water after emptying and reinsertion.  Once a month cleansing can be done in the following manner
1.  Soak in a mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide.  Leave it in for 8 hours.
2. Boil it with enough water for 20 min.

I got mine on ebay at around 800 Rs =

In case you are one of those waiting for the DivaCup to hit the Indian stores, here is the link to the indian version called SheCup.
Even otherwise…do give the menstrual cup a shot, girls…the comfort of a fuss-free periods plus the bonus of doing your bit for the environment… guessed it right! I am now a major fan of the menstrual cup….whatever brand!….That is why I am spreading the word around…

Update from 2012: 

 Its been two years since I started using the menstrual cup.  Ever since  there have been lesser rashes, almost no pain. I even ran a half marathon this year, on the second day, which is a heavy flow day with the endometriosis cramps in full swing.  There has been zero staining. Yes, I did burn up one during sterilization process. Then the re-order and delivery was quick, so didnt miss out a period!! hahaha.

Watch this video, this lady has all the facts on all our “period” stuff…plus tells us how to go about using the M-Cup…:)

Here is the link for girls who wanna try it in India

The SheCup

For more information on menstrual cups, you can check out this site

Here's to happy fuss free periods to all you gorgeous ladies! 

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  Love and Light


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